‘Company’ means The Cornish Tent Company whose head office is situated at Unit 8, Redruth Enterprise Park, Cornwall Business Park West, Scorrier, Redruth, Cornwall, TR16 5EZ. ‘Client’ is the person hiring our equipment from the Company ‘Equipment’ is the Tent(s)/ Tipi(s) and other materials specified on the Booking Form, being owned and maintained by the Company and nothing else.
‘Time of Hire’ is the period between completing the erection of the Equipment and beginning the dismantling. ‘Hire Charge’ is the amount payable by the Client to the Company as detailed on the Booking Form. ‘Booking Form’ is the form issued by the Company to the Client containing details of the Equipment, Period of Hire and Hire Charge. ‘Third Party Supplier’ is a company or individual not owned directly by the Company. ‘Third Party Equipment’ is equipment owned, supplied, erected and maintained by a Third Party Supplier.
Unless otherwise stated in writing, all orders are accepted subject to the Terms and Conditions of hiring as stated and the Client by authorising/allowing work to proceed is known to have agreed this. Before delivery the Client must provide the Company with written confirmation that there are no underground services on the site where the marquee or tipi is to be erected, or with an accurate plan showing the location of any underground services. If the Client does not own the site, then it is their responsibility to obtain this written confirmation from the site owner. If there is any doubt as to where services are then the Company will need to undertake a CAT scan, at the Clients expense, in order to minimise the risk of Injury from underground services. As CAT scans are not guaranteed to locate all services, the Company shall not be liable for any damage caused to any undetected Underground Services.
(i) the client must appoint a single person, not under the influence of alcohol or drugs, who will be responsible for the safe use of the fire/stove, and extinguishing it fully before the structure is vacated at the end of the event. (ii) the client must not move the fireplace and only fires or stoves supplied by the Company must be used.